Top 10 List of Guilty Pleasures

1. Overboard - no matter what part of this movie I happen to tune in to, I'll always get sucked in and watch til the end.

2. Strawberry Twizzlers - they aren't really all that great, but addictive once you start eating them.

3. Barry Manilow - he was my first music hero and I've never lost my enthusiasm. Watching the Superbowl was worthwhile just to hear the overly of "Looks Like We Made It" on the Chevy commercial.

4. Tween Books - yep, I've read 'em all. Twilight, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games ...

5. Chips and Dip - kettle cooked potato chips with french onion dip, sigh.

6. Theme Songs - Gilligans Island and Green Acres are two particular favorites. I like to sing along—poorly.

7. Trashy Novels - True Blood series anyone?

8. You've Got Mail & The Parent Trap (remake) -  I always cry at no matter how many times I watch these two movies. For Mail it's the last scene when Meg Ryan realizes Tom Hank's is her secret pen pal. In the Parent Trap it's the expression on Lisa Ann Walter's face when it dawns on her that Hal is really Annie. Side note on Ms. Walter - loved her in the U.S. version of Shall We Dance as well. She needs more roles! On another side note, the original Japanese version of Shall We Dance is superb.

9. Taking a too long shower - I try, I mean really try, not to waste water, but I do love a long, hot shower every once in a while. When you're in stage 3 drought restrictions this can make you feel like a criminal.

10. What Not to Wear - Stacy London and Clinton Kelly are styling gods. It's wonderful to watch the inner transformations as much as the outer on the people they reinvent. Ted and Carmindy deserve praise as well. It takes a village.